Jesus Walks on the Sea
Jesus Walks on the Sea
The story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee is a powerful example of His divine power and authority over the natural elements. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John, we learn that after feeding a large crowd of people with just five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus sent His disciples ahead of Him in a boat while He went up on a mountainside to pray.
As the disciples were crossing the sea, a storm arose and the waves began to batter the boat. In the middle of the night, they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them. At first, they were afraid, thinking they were seeing a ghost, but Jesus reassured them and told them not to be afraid.
Peter, one of the disciples, asked Jesus to allow him to walk on the water too. Jesus invited Peter to step out of the boat, and he walked on the water towards Jesus. However, when Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and the waves, he began to sink. Jesus reached out and caught him, saying, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
After Jesus and Peter got back into the boat, the wind died down, and the disciples worshipped Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
There are several lessons we can learn from the story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee:
Jesus has power and authority over the natural elements. Walking on the water demonstrated Jesus' divine power and authority over the natural elements. As the Creator of the universe, Jesus has power over all things.
Faith in Jesus enables us to do the impossible. Peter was able to walk on the water when he had faith in Jesus, but when he doubted and took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. We too can do the impossible when we have faith in Jesus and keep our eyes fixed on Him.
Fear and doubt can cause us to lose faith. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and the waves, he began to sink. Fear and doubt can cause us to lose faith in Jesus and His power.
Worship and praise should follow miracles. After the storm ceased, and Jesus and Peter got back into the boat, the disciples worshipped Jesus. We too should worship and praise God when we experience His miracles and blessings in our lives.
In conclusion, the story of Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee teaches us about the power and authority of Jesus, the importance of faith in Him, the danger of fear and doubt, and the need for worship and praise. By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and trusting in His power and authority, we can overcome our fears and doubts and experience the miraculous power of God in our lives.