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The Lost Coin

The Lost Coin

The Parable of the Lost Coin is a story that Jesus told in Luke 15:8-10. It is one of three parables that Jesus told in response to the Pharisees and scribes who were criticizing him for eating and associating with sinners.

In the story, a woman loses a valuable coin, and she searches her house diligently until she finds it. When she finally finds the coin, she rejoices and invites her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her.

Here are some important teachings we can learn from this story:

  1. Every person is valuable to God. The lost coin in the story represents a person who has become lost or disconnected from God. This story teaches us that every person is valuable to God, and he cares deeply about finding them and restoring them to himself.

  2. God actively seeks out the lost. The woman in the story searches diligently for the lost coin until she finds it. This shows us that God actively seeks out those who are lost and desires to bring them back into relationship with him.

  3. There is rejoicing in heaven when the lost are found. When the woman finds the lost coin, she rejoices and invites her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her. Similarly, there is great rejoicing in heaven when a lost soul is found and returns to God.

  4. We should never give up on searching for the lost. The woman in the story did not give up until she found the lost coin. In the same way, we should never give up on searching for those who are lost or disconnected from God. We should pray for them, love them, and do whatever we can to help bring them back into relationship with God.

In conclusion, the Parable of the Lost Coin teaches us about the value of every person to God and his desire to seek out and restore those who are lost. It also reminds us to never give up on searching for the lost and to rejoice when they are found.

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New Destiny Ministry (formerly known as New Dimension Ministries) is an intercontinental church with one goal.

Discover your God-given Identity. That's the key of our Vision. We believe, as you get in touch with us, things will shift around in your favour.


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